March 17, 2021

Isimio Updates, March 2021

As part of our commitment to our clients and partners, we are always adding new features to Isimio to tackle new challenges. This month we are releasing some fun features to make the user experience even better!

Isimio Scheduler

  • [New Feature] You can now create conditional styling for records using Style Controls. These are an easy way to configure Isimio to look just how you want it, without having to create plugins. This allows you to instantly highlight cancelled appointments, late shifts, and the like.
  • [New Feature] You can now take any numeric field from any scheduled object and sum its value per row, using the new Counted Fields option. This is great for tallying up work hours or counting different types of records.
  • [New Feature] Child Context Menus are now in the full release! This allows you to configure sub-menus in the right-click options menu, which appear when a user hovers over a selected action.
  • [New Beta Feature] We are very happy to announce a brand new Optimization tool! This takes our matching engine to a new level, and can automatically assign all records to the best resources. Just sit back, make a coffee, and watch as the system compares all possible eventualities to find the best one. It’s just like Dr. Strange, but without the fancy CGI.
  • [New Configuration] Dynamic row loading is now configurable. This important feature allows Isimio to automatically load rows with which records are associated, even if they do not meet your object filter. However, we have identified some use-cases where this would be detrimental rather than helpful, so have provided a checkbox on the Schedule Object object to disable it.
  • [New Configuration] Fields can now be marked as required, even if they aren’t required in the schema.
  • The in-schedule filter now supports all Number Fields, allowing you to filter records by comparing any numeric field to a selected value.

Isimio Staffing

  • Payroll v2 enhances our time interpretation module with some exciting new features, like separate pay and bill schedules, the ability to determine when a week starts for each client, and the ability to create repeating pay and bill periods with a custom length.
  • Staggered shift offers intelligently invite your best matches to accept shifts first, before everyone else. Lower-placed matches receive invitations gradually nearer to the work date.

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